Quick Fit Tips

Looking for some inspiration to get moving?? Check out these quick tips to help jump start your healthy lifestyle 🙂 Remember that working out is only half the battle, eating clean and healthy (with a few little treats here and there of course!) will set you down the path to success. Feel free to ask us questions as starting out can be the hardest part!

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Whole Wheat Lemon Blueberry Muffins

Whenever someone says muffins, I think of two things. One is that YouTube video everyone was obsessed with in 7th grade (soo like 2005)… You know the one? Where the guy is dressed like a grandma and just names a million flavors of muffins (blueberry, raspberry, glass, newspaper, fire, etc.). My siblings and I would watch it so many times in a row, it’s kind of disgusting looking back on it.

The other thing I think of is how much I LOVE MUFFINS. They are the perfect on the go snack! So, in honor of my muffin obsession, I’m sharing a recipe I just tested… Whole Wheat Lemon Blueberry Muffins!

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

Ingredients (makes 12 muffins):

  • 1½ cups whole-wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • Zest of 1 lemon, about 1 to 1ÂĽ teaspons
  • ½ cup (1 stick) butter, melted
  • 1 egg
  • ½ cup pure maple syrup
  • ½ cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup frozen blueberries (no need to defrost)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a muffin pan with paper liners and set aside.
  2. In a small bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, salt, and lemon zest.
  3. In a large bowl, add melted butter, egg, syrup, milk & vanilla and whisk together.
  4. With slowly add in the flour, scraping the sides of the bowl if necessary.
  5. Carefully fold in the blueberries with a spatula until well combined.
  6. Use a  spoon to add the batter to the muffin cups. Bake until a toothpick comes cleans when inserted in the center, about 15 to 18 minutes.

Enjoy! ~Chloe,xx

*adapted from 100daysofrealfood.com

Olivia’s Updates & Thoughts on Sustainability

I realize it’s been quite a while since I last posted…oops. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t kept up with the workouts and nutrition lifestyle change; I’ve been crushing the past four weeks. Between working out, going to class and studying, these past few weeks have flown by. The workouts have been tough but fun, especially when I can get the roommates to join me on Fridays when we’re cooped up inside.

Earlier this week, Chloe sent me to a YouTube link featuring this woman talking about how Kayla’s 12 week program is not sustainable and that you’ll just gain weight right back as soon as you stop. This really got me thinking about the topic of sustainability and keeping your commitments. When I began this journey with Chloe, my goal was to lose weight and gain muscle. I didn’t think these twelve weeks were going to be easy…in fact I was quite terrified. But I took the plunge and with a little lot of  encouragement from Chloe, I managed to stay on track. I know I’m still only eight weeks in, but I feel amazing. I haven’t written down my servings for two weeks, but it hasn’t impacted my progress at all. I understand more about what kinds of food are good for your body and how much of things to eat. I read every ingredients label (not the calorie count on the nutrition label) and make sure I know what’s in my food. The best part yet, I’m not stopping after the twelve weeks is up. I’m definitely purchasing Kayla’s BBG 2.0 and working for my dreams. The only way to be sustainable is to keep going, even after the time period is up. Now I won’t lie to you, I’ve enjoyed my fair share of brownies and treats, but I don’t feel guilty about it. I know I can eat a brownie–or two–and still see progress because I make significantly healthier choices all the time. And something else that’s amazing is that my friends and family have been noticing my progress. When Chloe and I reunited today for the first time since beginning, she said I looked amazing…now I know she’s a little biased since we’re basically soul mates, but I believe her. I can see differences in all of my clothes. I weigh myself tomorrow morning, but I think I’ve lost ten, TEN, pounds. It’s safe to say I’m a happy camper.

Honestly, doing this program has been the best thing for me this year. I’m happy with how I feel and who I am, and I’m learning a lot about nutrition and fitness. Thanks Kayla!

xx Olivia

Weekend Recipe Inspiration

Who knew turkey burgers could be so good?! I’ve always been a little skeptical of the turkey burger. People are always talking about how dry they are and how they aren’t really that good. Well this recipe proved me wrong! My fiancĂ© and I tried these the other day and they were almost better than a regular burger (GASP!). You should definitely try them yourselves 🙂 They are quick, easy, and perfect for school/work nights! I served ours with a side of broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

turkey burger 1

turkey burger 2

turkey burger 3

turkey burger 4


  • 1 lb. lean ground turkey
  • 1/2 medium red onion, finely chopped
  • 1/2 c. fresh parsley, minced
  • 1 tbsp. garlic powder
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • Toppings: I did a Mexican mix of cheese and pea sprouts.


  1. Sautee red onion for a 3-5 minutes, until they begin to soften.
  2. Add those to a bowl with turkey, parsley, garlic powder, salt, and pepper.
  3. Grill or cook in a frying pan for ~7 minutes per side.
  4. About 2 minutes before the burgers are done, top with cheese if you want to.
  5. Serve on toasted whole wheat buns, and enjoy!

*Recipe adapted from http://www.userealbutter.com

~Chloe, xx

Give me pancakes, or give me death!

PSA: Today is National Pancake Day! So that means that making pancakes trumps all other items on your to do list. Stop, drop, and pancake y’all!

I must say, pancakes are my absolute FAVORITE breakfast food. A lot of times they can be unhealthy with white flour and sugar, etc. so I haven’t made them in quite a while. I found this awesome recipe from @funkyfitnessfoods on instagram, and they turned out perfectly! I adjusted her recipe slightly to fit my taste (she added shredded coconut and I’m not the biggest fan). They really hit the spot on this chilly/icy day topped with bananas, peanut butter (you might call me a pb addict), and chocolate chips!

pancakes 1

pancakes 2


  • 1 cup of whole wheat flour
  • 3/4 cup rolled oats
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1 1/4 cups milk
  • 2 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 2 tsp. baking powder (makes them super fluffy!)
  • Optional add-ins: chocolate chips, blueberries, shredded coconut, etc.


  1. Heat frying pan with ~2 tsp. coconut oil over medium heat.
  2. Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl.
  3. Scoop ~1/4 of batter and pour onto pan.
  4. Let sit on 1 side until you see bubbles form. Flip over.
  5. Let cook all the way through.
  6. Top with whatever you like, and dig in!

~Chloe, xx

chloe | progress update

So sorry!! It’s been forever since I’ve done a progress update, but life’s been a little crazy… So here it goes…

The past few weeks have been hard, not necessarily from a working out standpoint, but mentally. I’ve really been struggling with grad school and feeling like I have no freakin’ clue what path I want to go down career-wise. I thought I had it all figured out coming into school in August, but my motivation has slowly crumbled as I’ve become more unsure. My advisor hasn’t really been there for me to guide me, and at times it can be super frustrating. And the class work keeps building… and blah blah blah. So that’s obviously all adding up to a HUGE amount of stress. I’ve gone back and forth toying with the idea of quitting, but there isn’t much you can do with a biology degree without getting a master’s degree (that I’m interested in at least…). So I guess I just have to keep on chugging for the next year and a half?

Anyway… Some of that lack of motivation has transferred over to workouts where I push them off or neglect that so-called “perfect” diet I’m trying hard to make a habit. I always get all the BBG workouts done in the week, just not all on the right day. This past Saturday I did two in a row (arms/abs and full body). IT WAS PURE HELL. Definitely don’t recommend that.

This past weekend for Valentine’s Day, my fiancĂ©’s family came to visit so eating wasn’t the healthiest and I just felt super bloated the whole weekend (perfect for Monday progress pics right?!). Today, I started a Tiny Tea 28 day teatox, so hopefully that will help get nutrition back on track and help with bloating. And after talking to my dad today, I’m feeling mentally ready to get back on track and keep pushing. I just have to be careful not to go back to my restrictive eating when I’m feeling out of control. So here’s to heading to a healthy place physically and mentally, taking it one day at a time!

Here’s an updated front and side progress shot from Day 0 (start of pre-training), Day 28 (end of pre-training), and Day 42 (end of “real” week 2). Someone on instagram commented that they “couldn’t see a difference” and that I just “looked skinny in all of them.” That was frustrating because I feel like I have made progress and I’m not trying to be skinny, I’m trying to be strong! But oh well… Let me know what you think!

week 6 progress

week 6 side progress

~Chloe, xx

Choco-cado Smoothie Bowl

In case you haven’t heard… Smoothie bowls are all the rage right now! If you haven’t jumped on the train, I highly suggest it. They are much thicker than smoothies so they seem more satisfying and keep you full for longer. One of my recent creations is the Choco-cado Smoothie Bowl.

choco cado smoothie bowl

It’s awesome topped with a little granola (I like Nature’s Path Organics Love Crunch granola) or some fresh berries! Here’s the recipe:


  • 1 medium banana
  • 1/3 of a ripe avocado
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • 1/2 tsp. maca powder
  • 2 tbsp. chia seeds
  • 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder
  • 5 ice cubes


  1. Add all ingredients to blender and blend it up.
  2. Pour into bowl. Add toppings of choice (granola, banana slices, fresh berries, etc.)
  3. ENJOY 🙂

~Chloe, xx

Teatox Review

Today marks one week since I began my 14 day Tiny Tea “teatox”. Throughout the week I’ve noticed a difference in my cravings and appetite. I find that I’m not craving sweets nearly as much, and I don’t feel as hungry in between meals. I enjoy my hot tea in the mornings right when I wake up and then wait at least 30 minutes from when I finish drinking the tea to eat breakfast. I find that when I slow down, I feel less hungry. I’ve also felt more energized in the mornings and in the afternoons when I really need that pick-me-up. As for the taste of the tea, it’s your basic idea of what tea may taste like. I was nervous when I read some reviews that it’s very strong, but I haven’t felt that way at all. It’s a nice addition to my daily water intake since I’m drinking 3 cups of tea a day! So my advice to anyone thinking about trying it is to go for it. Here’s the link: http://yourtea.com/. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have!

xx Olivia

Stop what you are doing and make these!

OH MY GOODNESS! Last night I made 100% clean and low sugar peanut butter cups. They were insanely delicious, and to be honest, actually healthy for you… as long as you eat just one! You have got to try them 🙂



  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 2 1/2 tbsp. honey
  • Peanut Butter


  1. Melt the coconut oil.
  2. Mix coconut oil, cocoa powder, and honey together in a bowl.
  3. Line a muffin tray with muffin liners.
  4. Layer about 2 spoonfuls of the “chocolate” mixture into the muffin liners. Freeze for 5 minutes.
  5. Remove from freezer. Add a small spoonful (enough to create a layer… I didn’t really measure) of slightly melty peanut butter to each muffin liner. Freeze again for 5 minutes.
  6. Remove from freezer. Add top layer of chocolate, sprinkle with sea salt, and freeze for 30 minutes.
  7. Enjoy!


I hope you guys love them as much as I do! I know Olivia is planning on making them this weekend!

~Chloe, xx

P.S. Here is my four week progress picture and my update measurements (for reference I’m about 5’4″ and 130 lbs… I think, haven’t weighed myself in over a year and a half!). Sorry I’m a few days late posting!

“Before” Measurements:

  • Right Arm: 9.75 inches
  • Left Arm: 9.75 inches
  • Chest: 32 inches
  • Waist: 24.5 inches
  • Hips: 37 inches
  • Right Thigh: 21.75 inches
  • Left Thigh: 21.5 inches
  • Right Calf: 13 inches
  • Left Calf: 13 inches

Day 28 Measurements:

  • Right Arm: 9.5 inches
  • Left Arm: 9.5 inches
  • Chest: 31.5 inches
  • Waist: 24 inches
  • Hips: 36.25 inches
  • Right Thigh: 21 3/8 inches
  • Left Thigh: 21 inches
  • Right Calf: 12 7/8 inches
  • Left Calf: 12 7/8 inches

4 week progress


Knocked all the categories on my FitBit tracker out of the park yesterday!


I got my FitBit One from Amazon a few months ago, and I love it. I ended up choosing that model because it clips to your pants/belt, which according to reviews makes it more accurate. In my experience, it tracks steps very accurately and it has the altimeter to it can log stairs climbed as well. It encourages me to keep active throughout the day, especially when I’m working long days in the grad student office. The other upside is that it gives me a number to focus on instead of calories (which I need as I am recovering from disordered eating issues). I’d recommend one to anybody looking for some motivation to keep moving!

~Chloe, xx